martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Interview 21: Manuella

What would be your favourite performance number in the semifinal? And in the final?
I'm satisfied with my number 11 in 2nd Semi Final. If I could choose my number in final it would be in the 2nd half towards the end.

How will be your staging? Will it be like the preselection performance?
Everything is going really quickly, we are all super busy and we are all loving what we're doing, so it's such a pleasure creating the best we can for this great music adventure :-). Performance will be different than it was on EMA, I'm really excited about it and I can not wait to show it to you all, I hope you will love it as I do.

Are you an eurofan? What is your favourite song in history of Eurovision?
It was always my dream to sing on the big Eurovision stage. When I won Slovene national selection for ESC I was completely overwhelmed. Eurovision gave us such beautiful music through years, it would be quite hard to pick just one favorite. I really like The Common Linnets's 'Calm After the Storm', Loreen's 'Euphoria' and many more ...

Have you listened to your opponents? What do you think about them? What song is your favourite?
If I can be completely honest, I haven't had a chance to listen to all of them yet. As soon as things calm down a little bit, I will. There are so many good artist every year, I am sure this year is no different.

What do you think about Barei and her song “Say Yay”?
As I admitted, I haven't had a chance to listen to the songs yet, but I looked for Barei's 'Say Yay' now and - 'Yay' I like it! Great energy, great singer, it really made me move. :-)

What is the message of your song?
'Blue and Red' is a song about a relationship that we can all probably relate to at some point of our lives. It's about ups and downs. Blue symbolizes sad and unhappy emotions, while red symbolizes love and passion. It's important that we are aware of all these feelings but also to understand that it's sometimes better to let go and find our own happiness. So that was the main message, finding strength and happiness within ourselves.
The composers are me and Marjan Hvala and lyrics are from a great Slovene song writer Leon Oblak (he is also the author of another Slovenian Eurovision song, i.e. Narodnozabavni rock – Folkpop Rock).

How did you feel when you won your preselection?
Of course, I hoped for the victory, but I rather concentrated on my performance at that time, so I didn't stress myself about the results. But when I did win, the feeling was amazing, almost impossible to describe! I am still so overwhelmed and grateful for the support people showed me

What are your next projects?
After Eurovision Song Contest, I will get back to writing and recording songs for my first album, that has been in the making.

Thank you very much and good luck.
Thank you very much. It was my absolute pleasure to answer your questions! And to all my fans I would like to say: Thank You, I love and respect each and every one of you. And please, remember to always follow your dreams and never ever give up!!

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